Looking for a trolley that suits your needs? We can customise the right trolley for you. Find out more

Medical Trolleys

Explore our wide range of medical trolleys for efficient and organised healthcare settings.

Medical & Hospital Trolley Range

Durable, compact and ideal for mobile storage our trolleys are ideal for hospital wards, healthcare facilities, nursing homes and more. With a variety of shelf options to choose from, they can also be used for medical administration to store patient files. Explore our broad range of trolleys below.

Advance Trolleys: The Best Medical Trolley Provider in Australia

Are you looking for a trolley that can help you transport and store vital clinical supplies safely and conveniently? Whether you need to store, organise or transport medicines, equipment, surgical or diagnostic supplies, patient files, or more you can trust Advance Trolleys to deliver high-quality trolleys that suit your needs.

Advance Trolleys is a leading provider of medical trolleys in Australia. We have a wide range of trolleys that are durable, compact, and ideal for mobile storage. Our trolleys are designed to withstand the tough conditions of hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities. We use the highest quality stainless steel and materials to ensure our trolleys last for a long time.

We offer a variety of medical trolleys with different features, such as:

•  Medical trolleys with drawers: These trolleys have multiple drawers that come with a locking mechanism for security and easy access. You can store different types of supplies in separate drawers and label them accordingly. These trolleys are perfect for storing medicines, syringes, gloves, and other small items.

•  Trolleys with shelves: These trolleys have open shelves that can accommodate larger items or baskets. You can organise your supplies by category or priority and easily see what you need. These trolleys are ideal for storing bandages, dressings, gauze, and other bulky items.

•  Trolleys with cabinets: These trolleys have closed cabinets that can protect your supplies from dust, moisture, and contamination. You can store sensitive or valuable items in these cabinets and lock them for extra security. They  are also suitable for storing instruments, devices, patient files, and other confidential items.

Benefits of Using Medical Trolleys

These trolleys are not only useful for transporting necessary items, but they also offer many benefits, that include:

•  Improving efficiency: These trolleys can help you save time and energy by allowing you to move multiple items at once. You don't have to make numerous trips or carry heavy loads manually. You can also access your supplies quickly and easily without wasting time searching for them.

Enhancing safety: These trolleys can help you reduce the risk of injury or infection by providing a safe and reliable mode of transport for your supplies. You don't have to worry about dropping or spilling your supplies or exposing them to harmful substances. In addition, you can lock your supplies to prevent unauthorised access or theft.

•  Increasing hygiene: These trolleys can help you maintain a high level of hygiene and sanitation by providing a clean and sterile surface for your supplies. With shelves and drawers on the trolley, you don't have to worry about your supplies getting contaminated by dirt, germs, or fluids. You can also easily clean and disinfect your trolleys with minimal effort.

How to Order Your Trolley

If you are looking for a medical mobile cart or medical trolleys in Australia that can suit your facility’s requirements, Advance Trolleys has got you covered. We are the ideal choice for your healthcare trolley needs.

Visit our online shop or browse through our product catalogue to see the range we have to offer. You can choose from our standard models or customise your own according to your specifications. Request a quote directly from our website or contact us by phone or email if you have any questions or need any assistance.

We deliver our trolleys across Australia with fast and reliable service. 

Don't wait any longer. Order your trolley today and enjoy the convenience and benefits of having a mobile and secure storage solution for your medical and clinical supplies.

You can contact us by phone, email, or through our website. We are happy to answer any questions you may have or assist you with your order. You can also request a free quote and consultation from us.

You can choose the right trolley by considering the following factors:

•  The type and size of the supplies and equipment you need to transport and store

•  The number and configuration of the components you need (drawers, shelves, etc.)

•  The material and quality of the trolley (stainless steel or polycarbonate)

•  The features and accessories of the trolley (castors, brakes, locks, IV holders, etc.)

•  The budget and scope of your project

It is a portable medical cart that can transport and store various types of clinical supplies and equipment. It can have drawers, shelves, cabinets, or other components to suit different needs.

You can request a free quote online, call 1800 802 224, or email our team at sales@advancetrolleys.com.au for pricing.  Advance Trolleys are a leading provider of medical trolleys in Australia. We have a wide range of trolleys that are durable, compact, and ideal for mobile storage. We use the highest quality stainless steel and materials to ensure our trolleys last for a long time. We deliver our trolleys across Australia with fast and reliable service. We don’t offer free delivery, but we charge reasonable rates based on your location and order size. We also provide after-sales support and warranty for our products.

A trolley can help you improve efficiency, safety, hygiene, and convenience in your healthcare facility. It can help you save time and energy by moving multiple items at once, and reduce the risk of injury or infection by providing a safe and reliable mode of transport. It can also help maintain a high level of hygiene and sanitation by providing a clean and sterile surface

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